Drink or Doom is a drinking game placed in a comic book setting. Gather your friends (up to 12 players), get some beer, whiskey, shots, absinthe, gasoline or whatever you usually drink and start the night with a blast. Drink or doom is played without cards or props.
The game has around 50 challenges that include mild violence, nudity (so choose wisely who you play with), stupidity, public shame, destroying your reputation, "I wish I've never done that" and other fun activities. If you're feeling extra creative you can put up to 500 custom challenges in the game. So "kiss a dog", "put a finger in it" and other specific challenges will have to be entered manually (don't worry it only takes 10 seconds).
Your choices will affect your night, we won't make you do anything you don't want to.
How to play:
0. Press game icon to start it
1. Choose your character and enter your name
2. Start the game
3. Commence Super Awesome Fun times!!!
4. Wake up, sober up
5. Wait for the next weekend to do it all over again.
/I\ - This is you before Drink or Doom
>-----------O - This is you after Drink or Doom (yes you lost both arms and you grew few inches)
Minum atau Doom adalah permainan minum ditempatkan dalam pengaturan buku komik. Kumpulkan teman-teman Anda (hingga 12 pemain), mendapatkan beberapa bir, wiski, tembakan, absinthe, bensin atau apa pun biasanya Anda minum dan mulai malam dengan ledakan. Minum atau azab dimainkan tanpa kartu atau alat peraga.
Permainan memiliki sekitar 50 tantangan yang mencakup kekerasan ringan, ketelanjangan (jadi pilihlah dengan bijak siapa Anda bermain dengan), kebodohan, malu publik, menghancurkan reputasi Anda, "Saya berharap saya tidak pernah melakukan itu" dan kegiatan menyenangkan lainnya. Jika Anda merasa ekstra kreatif Anda dapat menempatkan hingga 500 tantangan kustom dalam permainan. Jadi "mencium anjing", "meletakkan jari di dalamnya" dan tantangan-tantangan khusus lainnya harus dimasukkan secara manual (jangan khawatir itu hanya membutuhkan waktu 10 detik).
Pilihan Anda akan mempengaruhi malam Anda, kami tidak akan membuat Anda melakukan apa pun yang Anda tidak ingin.
Cara bermain:
0. Tekan ikon permainan untuk memulainya
1. Pilih karakter Anda dan masukkan nama Anda
2. Memulai permainan
3. Dimulainya Super Awesome Fun kali !!!
4. Bangun, siuman
5. Tunggu akhir pekan depan untuk melakukannya lagi.
/ I \ - ini adalah Anda sebelum Minum atau Doom
/ \
> ----------- O - ini adalah Anda setelah Minum atau Doom (ya Anda kehilangan kedua lengan dan Anda tumbuh beberapa inci)
Drink or Doom is a drinking game placed in a comic book setting. Gather your friends (up to 12 players), get some beer, whiskey, shots, absinthe, gasoline or whatever you usually drink and start the night with a blast. Drink or doom is played without cards or props.
The game has around 50 challenges that include mild violence, nudity (so choose wisely who you play with), stupidity, public shame, destroying your reputation, "I wish I've never done that" and other fun activities. If you're feeling extra creative you can put up to 500 custom challenges in the game. So "kiss a dog", "put a finger in it" and other specific challenges will have to be entered manually (don't worry it only takes 10 seconds).
Your choices will affect your night, we won't make you do anything you don't want to.
How to play:
0. Press game icon to start it
1. Choose your character and enter your name
2. Start the game
3. Commence Super Awesome Fun times!!!
4. Wake up, sober up
5. Wait for the next weekend to do it all over again.
/I\ - This is you before Drink or Doom
>-----------O - This is you after Drink or Doom (yes you lost both arms and you grew few inches)